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There are new cycles of flu viruses every 6-8 weeks and it's possible to catch the flu at any time of the year. However, in colder climates, we tend to spend more time indoors, where there is increased contact with germs. In combination with lower consumption of fruit as they dwindle out of season, and losing our ability to produce Vitamin D from the sun, the chance of infection increases. 


However, contrary to popular belief, contact with a variety of microbes actually helps to support immunity! That said, regular exposure to a variety of microbes and even the occasional cold & flu is necessary for the immune system to maintain itself to prevent more serious illnesses.


On that note, it's always good to be prepared with some natural solutions should you fall sick, to make the process more comfortable and to avoid pharmaceutical options - which should only be considered as a last resort.

In this article:

  • My Top Cold & Flu Remedies

  • Foods To Eliminate at The 1st Sign of Infection 

  • About Cold & Flu season

Shawn M. Persaud ( 11 |  10 | 2019 )


These natural remedies aim to support hydration, replenish lost electrolytes, maximally nourish the body to support healthy immune function, kill pathogens, support detoxification, reduce inflammation, clear mucous, and more! 



Hydration: Broths are high in water content, which is crucial when fighting off a cold or flu. Proper hydration helps maintain the function of the immune system and can also alleviate symptoms like a sore throat and congestion.


Warmth & Steam: The warmth from chicken broth can be soothing and may help in reducing congestion. Inhaling the steam can also help loosen nasal congestion and relieve stuffed nasal passages.


Nutrition: Bone broth contains vitamins, minerals, and some calories, which are important for maintaining strength when your appetite might be reduced. It's a good source of protein, essential for repairing body tissues and maintaining muscle mass during sickness.


Electrolytes: When you're ill, especially if you have a fever or vomiting, your body loses electrolytes. Chicken broth contains sodium and other minerals that can help replenish these electrolytes and maintain fluid balance.


Anti-inflammatory Effects: There is some evidence to suggest that the ingredients in chicken soup, including the chicken itself and various vegetables, can have mild anti-inflammatory effects, which might help reduce symptoms like aches and congestion.


Easy Digestibility: Broth is easy on the stomach, which is especially beneficial if you're feeling nauseous or have a reduced appetite due to illness.


Comforting: Beyond the physical benefits, broth can have a psychological comfort effect. Consuming a warm, familiar, and comforting meal can have a positive impact on your overall well-being, especially when you're feeling unwell.


Amino Acids: Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine, which is released when made into a broth. Cysteine can help thin mucus in the lungs, making it easier to expel.

FRESH GARLIC (also available in supplement form)


In soups, teas, and cooking. While raw garlic in salads or chewing cloves directly  can be tolerated in small amounts, be careful as it discomfort and may interact in large amounts with blood thinning medications.


Antimicrobial Properties: Garlic contains allicin, a compound that is produced when garlic is chopped or crushed. Allicin has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which might help fight against viruses and bacteria


Immune System Boost: Some studies suggest that garlic can enhance the functioning of the immune system. Regular consumption of garlic, especially raw garlic, has been associated with immune system support, potentially reducing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.


Anti-inflammatory: Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, which could help reduce the severity of cold symptoms, such as sore throats and sinus congestion.


Antioxidants: Garlic is rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and may support overall immune health.

FRESHLY PRESSED CELERY JUICE (2 cups on an empty stomach in the morning)


Hydration: Celery juice is high in water content. Staying hydrated is crucial when recovering from a cold or flu, as it helps maintain the function of the immune system and can alleviate symptoms like a sore throat and congestion.


Vitamins and Minerals: Celery contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium and folate. Vitamin C, in particular, is known for its role in supporting the immune system, although it's important to note that drinking celery juice is not the same as taking a vitamin C supplement in terms of concentration.


Antioxidants: Celery contains antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress. This might be beneficial for overall immune health.


Anti-inflammatory Properties: Some compounds in celery have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. Since inflammation is a part of the body's response to infection, these properties might help reduce certain symptoms.


Anti-Viral Properties: Some alternative practitioners note anecdotal evidence of celery juice as having a positive impact on overcoming viral infection and fungus.


May increase stomach acid: Stomach acid itself does not directly help you get over a cold or flu. These illnesses are caused by viruses (common cold by rhinoviruses, and flu by influenza viruses) that primarily affect the respiratory system, not the digestive system where stomach acid is active. However, there are indirect ways in which the overall digestive system, including stomach acid, plays a role in your body's defence mechanisms. Stomach acid is a barrier to some pathogens that are ingested and destroys microbes. Having balanced stomach acid helps over all immune function by aiding digestion and nutrient absorption. 

FRESHLY PRESSED CUCUMBER JUICE (2 cups on an empty stomach in the evening)


Cucumber juice can be a soothing and hydrating choice when you have a cold or flu, although it's not a specific cure for these illnesses. Here are some potential benefits of consuming cucumber juice during a cold or flu:


Hydration: Cucumbers are very high in water content, making cucumber juice an excellent way to stay hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial when you're sick, as it helps maintain the function of the immune system and can alleviate symptoms like a sore throat and congestion.


Vitamin C: Cucumbers contain some vitamin C, an important nutrient for immune system function. While the amount in cucumber juice might not be as high as in other citrus fruits, it can still contribute to your overall daily intake.


Soothing: The coolness of cucumber juice can be soothing, especially if you have a sore throat or are feeling overheated due to a fever. If you have a reduced appetite due to illness, cucumber juice can be an easy-to-consume option that doesn’t overwhelm your system. 


Minerals: Cucumbers contain various minerals like potassium and magnesium, which are important for overall health and can support bodily functions during illness.


Detoxifying Properties: While "detox" claims are often exaggerated, cucumber juice can support general wellness through its hydration and nutrient content.

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Purified water, with freshly squeezed lemon or lime, raw honey, and a pinch of 100% pure Himalayan salt. Coconut water is also a great natural electrolyte drink - Drink large quantities throughout the day.This is a great natural alternative to Gatorade or Pedialyte - type processed electrolyte drinks.

HERBAL TEAS Thyme, Ginger, Holy Basil, Echinacea, Rose Hips, Peppermint, Nettle, Elderberry and Hibiscus are great options. 


Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial when you're sick. Herbal teas contribute to your daily fluid intake, helping to maintain hydration levels, which is important for overall health and recovery.


Soothing Properties: Warm liquids, like herbal teas, can be soothing for a sore throat, helping to ease pain and reduce irritation. The steam from a hot cup of tea can also help relieve nasal congestion.


Immune Support: Some herbs used in teas are known for their immune-boosting properties. For example, echinacea, elderberry, and ginger are often cited for their potential to support the immune system.


Antioxidants: Many herbal teas are rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body. This can be beneficial when fighting off infections.


Digestive Health: Certain herbal teas, such as peppermint or ginger tea, can aid in digestion and relieve symptoms like nausea, bloating, and abdominal discomfort, which are sometimes present during illness.


Relaxation and Sleep: Herbs like chamomile and lavender are known for their relaxing and sleep-promoting effects. Adequate rest is crucial for the body to recover from illness.


Anti-inflammatory Effects: Some herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the severity of symptoms like muscle aches, sore throats, and headaches.


Natural Decongestants: Ingredients like peppermint in teas contain menthol, a natural decongestant that helps break down mucus, making it easier to expel and thereby clearing nasal passages.


Ginger Tea: Known for anti-nausea and immune-boosting properties.

Chamomile Tea: Helps with relaxation and sleep.

Peppermint Tea: Beneficial for digestion and nasal congestion.

Echinacea Tea: Often used to support the immune system.

Elderberry Tea: May have immune-boosting and antiviral effects. 

Licorice Root Tea: Soothes sore throats and reduces cough.


Choose looseleaf tea to avoid ingesting micro-plastics from mixed material tea bags. 


Smoothies can be particularly soothing when you are ill. Fresh or frozen fruits are equally good options with similar nutritional value. Fruits play a supportive role in healing from a cold or flu through their nutrient content, hydration properties and bio-available energy. Fruits help alleviate some symptoms and contribute to overall well-being during recovery. We usually recommend smoothies over juicing as smoothies retain fibres. However, we also see situations where orange or apple juice is needed (especially for children) in cases of extreme low blood sugar from vomiting and fevers.

Natural Sugars and Energy: Fruits contain natural sugars, providing a source of energy which can be helpful when your appetite is reduced due to illness. This energy is essential for the body’s recovery processes and helps fuel the cells to keep up with critical jobs needed to heal

Vitamin C: Many fruits, especially citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, are rich in vitamin C, which is known for its immune-boosting properties. While vitamin C won't necessarily prevent a cold or flu, it may help reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Generally, we use supplementation for Vitamin C. 

Hydration: Fruits have high water content, which is beneficial for maintaining hydration, especially important during illness when you might be at risk of dehydration due to fever, sweating, or decreased fluid intake

Antioxidants: Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and support the immune system. Berries, for example, are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids

Soothing for Sore Throats: Soft, juicy fruits can be soothing for a sore throat. For example, warm apple sauce or mashed bananas can be gentle on the throat and easy to consume if you're having difficulty swallowing

Fiber: Fruits contain dietary fiber, which is important for gut health. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, as a significant part of the body's immune response is located in the gastrointestinal tract

Micronutrients and Phytochemicals: Fruits provide a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that contribute to overall health and support various bodily functions, including the immune system.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Some fruits have natural anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce symptoms like swelling and discomfort.


Citrus Fruits: Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits for vitamin C.

Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries for antioxidants.

Bananas: Easy to eat and good for energy.

Apples: Provide hydration and fiber.

Pears: Soft texture and hydrating.

White Pills


These can be used strategically to support the healing process. Natural supplements and medicines should be targeted to your specific needs, which are best determined through the expertise of a Holistic Nutritionist. 

Our clinic specializes in making customized supplement recommendations including dosage, form and duration. Most people are aware that nutrients like Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc and probiotics are beneficial when sick.

However, each of those nutrients are available in multiple different forms with different uses, absorption rates and actions in the body. Everyone is unique and will require different forms of a nutrient. For example, Vitamin D2 may benefit someone much more than a Vitamin D3 or D3K2. Likewise, there are many forms of zinc like zinc gluconate, zinc acetate, zinc sulphate, zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc oxide, zinc orotate, zinc glycinate and zinc carnosine.

Our work is to help clients identify which nutrient would be most beneficial to them. Contact us to see how we can help you. 


  • dairy

  • wheat/gluten

  • refined/processed/artificial sugar 

  • eggs 

  • corn 

  • vegetable/canola oil 

  • processed meats (cold cuts) 

  • pork 

N.B.These foods are known to “feed” pathogens of all types (viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic) and accelerate their growth significantly, which can worsen symptoms and prolong the duration of infection. Also, many of these foods interfere with common pharmaceutical drugs (including antibiotics) and can even make natural supplements less effective. By eliminating these problem foods at the first sign of infection, you can slow down its progression significantly! 






  • Fruit, coconut water, lemon, honey, ginger, juice

  • potatoes, boiled meats, rice, toast, salt



  • Humidifier

  • Nasal saline rinses / Neti pot

  • Oximeter - to check oxygen saturation 

  • Nebulizer - to help inhale medicated vapours or just distilled water vapour 

  • Vicks Vaporub - decongestant and used on sore muscles


MEDICAL SUPPLIES (monitored by Medical Doctor)

  • Bronchodilators (puffers)

  • Gravol / anti-nausea medication

  • Fever medication

  • Pain medication


The Center for Holistic Healthcare & Education Inc. specializes in the restoration of health for people with previously unresponsive & chronic illnesses. If you have done everything you and your doctor know to do, but are still struggling, please contact our client care center. For more information or to schedule a private consultation please e-mail or call 647 559 0842. Can't make it in person? Ask us about scheduling a Distance Session!

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